It's been a while since I updated my menu plan here. I started the South Beach diet at the end of April, and followed it strictly for several weeks. And although I'm still eating fewer carbs, I'm able to be more flexible with my meal plans now. I will usually eat what the rest of the family eats, although I will eliminate the pasta, potatoes, or bread. And while I have successfully lost ten pounds (would like to lose a few more, but it's not totally necessary), I am feeling so fantastic and have noticed such drastic changes in myself both physically and emotionally, that I am planning to continue eating like this for as long as I can.
Sunday: Sweet Potato Fries and Roast Chicken
Monday: Spring Vegetable Coucous with Chicken (May 2010 Everyday Food Magazine)
Tuesday: Fish and Veggies
Wednesday: Leftovers/Sandwiches
Thursday: Beef, Snap Pea and Asparagus Stir-Fry (June 2010 Everyday Food Magazine)
Friday: Grilled Chicken Taco Salad
Saturday: Home-made Pizza
One of the biggest changes I've made in how I eat is the fact that I eat a salad almost every day for lunch now - in the past I would have a salad WITH something else but I now eat a large salad with protein and some healthy fats, and I feel fantastic all afternoon. I'm hoping to try out these
Black Beans with Cilantro this week as something a little different at lunch time!
Many of the recipes I've been eating for the past month or so can be found at the Ottawa Life Organic blog - for those who don't know, I write a weekly post there which includes recipes for the produce delivered in each week's Harvest Box.
Smoked Sausage and Potato Soup
12 hours ago